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Understanding the Victimhood Mindset: Insights and Strategies

I recall a vivid memory from a community outreach program I participated in several years ago. A young woman, from a low-income neighborhood, stood up ...
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Living True: Walking the Talk

In a world where words often outweigh action, the importance of "walking the talk" becomes increasingly apparent. Many ideas are shared without accompanying actions, leaving ...
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Empowering Whole-Child Education

At Christiana Frank Consulting (CFC), we are dedicated to transforming educational environments through holistic, whole-child approaches that integrate social health into academics, and community engagement. ...
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a woman standing at a microphone in front of a crowd

The Vital Role of Reasonable Disagreements in Fostering Human Connection and Peace

Disagreements are often perceived as negative forces in human relationships, yet when approached with understanding and respect, they can serve as vital connectors rather than ...
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a group of people standing around in a room

Unleashing Potential: The Critical Importance of Leadership Development

In the dynamic world of business, effective leadership is pivotal. Leadership development transcends being a mere option; it's an imperative. This blog post delves ...
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a woman and a boy are holding hands

The Power of Positivity: How Interactions Shape Our Health and Well-Being

We've all felt the sting of a negative comment or a hurtful action. These aren't just fleeting moments of pain; they resonate deeply within us. ...
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a group of people standing next to each other

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Power of Modeling Positive Behavior in the Workplace

Gestures and words —the little “please,” “thank you,” or the open body language and appreciative nod—could be your secret sauce to becoming the Next Big ...
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a woman standing in front of a blue curtain

Unlocking Potential: The Transformative Power of Applied Improvisation for Social-Emotional Learning and Growth Mindset Development

The Heart-Brain Connection is the link between our heart and brain that regulates our physiological responses to our environment, including our emotions and stress levels. ...
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a group of people sitting in chairs watching a presentation

Boost Your Brainpower: Fun and Effective Ways to Improve Your Cognitive Function

The Heart-Brain Connection is the link between our heart and brain that regulates our physiological responses to our environment, including our emotions and stress levels. ...
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a group of people standing around a table with laptops

HeartMath in Education: Building Resilience, Social-Emotional Competencies, and Cognitive Skills

The Heart-Brain Connection is the link between our heart and brain that regulates our physiological responses to our environment, including our emotions and stress levels. ...
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a hand holding a small plant with green leaves

Applied Improvisation to build a Growth Mindset

Applied Improvisation is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for personal and organizational development. Improvisation is often associated ...
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a group of people holding their hands together

Applied Improvisation: A Tool for Personal and Organizational Growth

Applied Improvisation is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for personal and organizational development. Improvisation is often associated ...
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