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Category: Corporate Consulting

a hand holding a small plant with green leaves
Christiana Frank

Applied Improvisation to build a Growth Mindset

Applied Improvisation is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for personal and organizational development. Improvisation is often associated with theater and comedy, but its principles and practices can be applied in a variety of non-theatrical settings, such as business, education, healthcare, and community development.

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a group of people holding their hands together
Christiana Frank

Applied Improvisation: A Tool for Personal and Organizational Growth

Applied Improvisation is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for personal and organizational development. Improvisation is often associated with theater and comedy, but its principles and practices can be applied in a variety of non-theatrical settings, such as business, education, healthcare, and community development.

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a heart and brain sitting next to each other
Christiana Frank

Science and intuition

Have you ever walked into a room and sensed incredible tension, a thickness, or heaviness in the air or your chest? The room can be filled with voices or even silent, yet you know something is just not right? Conversely, have you ever walked into a room and felt a lightness, maybe a sense of joy or inclusion, and you feel connected and welcomed? The feeling that you are in the right place; makes sense and feels good. This is your intuition.

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Empathy in Workplace Relationships
Christiana Frank

Empathy in Workplace Relationships

Understanding sympathy and empathy and the nuanced difference between the two is very important when it comes to your relationships, especially your workplace relationships.

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Communication Strategies for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Christiana Frank

Communication Strategies for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion is a hot topic. Companies sink bigtime funding into D&I initiatives, universities teach diversity and inclusion courses, and the government instituted Executive Order 13583 to promote diversity and inclusion in its entire federal workforce. The trending buzzyness of the phrase and the heavy emphasis on it in the public and private sector is not without reason.

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Christiana Frank presenting at a conference
Christiana Frank

Your Organization Might Need a Communication Reboot

Poor communication within your company or organization is like mold growing underneath your kitchen sink: at first, you don’t know it’s there, then you start noticing something foul in the air, then – if you haven’t caught it in time – you have to throw things out and spend a lot of time and money dealing with the damage.

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a group of business people standing around a table
Christiana Frank

How to Ruin Employee Morale

The number one way and number two way of ruining employee morale is lack of communication and poor communication.  That is a bold statement, yes, but none-the-less it

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