Provider for Licensure Renewal Hours. (CEU)

Assessment results: The benefits of Applied Improvisation for social-emotional learning (Grades 7-12)


KidScape Productions is celebrating its 19th year using Applied Improvisation (AI) for essential life skills. Whether training is provided during school hours, after school, or during one of our camps and assemblies, the benefits are significant and lifelong. Applied Improvisation, when done correctly, offers participants a low stake environment to hone in on essential life and communication skills. AI uses the methodology of improvisation and is infused into business, school, relationships, and everyday life.

While anecdotal data has demonstrated the benefits of AI for years, a recent survey conducted in a Northern Nevada School has further reinforced these benefits.  This assessment was based on a total of eight (8) three-hour classes with twenty 7th to 12th grade Gifted and Talented (GT) Students in public school meeting one time per week on a Saturday.  The objective was to discover the benefits of using Applied Improvisational strategies to develop social-emotional skills and their benefits in order to support the following: verbal and non-verbal communication, interviewing and presentational skills, metacognition, executive functioning, memory, and recall.

Below shows the before and after results of our most recent assessment on Applied Improvisation for social and emotional learning.

Pre-Survey Results Post Survey Results

The students attending these classes spoke powerfully about their experience as learners and the ease of embedding the applied improvisational skills immediately into their life. Students were also easily able to identify the importance of these skills to ensure college readiness and success as future leaders.  KidScape Productions concludes that pre-teens and teens are easily capable to learn and apply these competencies allowing cognitive, social-emotional (mental health), and physical development that is supportive of all areas of growth.

“The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a systemic framework that is research and evidence-based, with five core competencies taught across diverse settings to educate hearts, inspire minds, and help people navigate the world more effectively.  The mission of CASEL is to help make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school.  SEL is the process through with children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.” -CASEL

Survey results:

For more information on how AI can change your life or someone that you know, contact Christiana Frank

We recommend:

KidScape Productions  (KSP): PK-12th grade, international. 

Christiana Frank
Consultant / Trainer / Program Developer / Speaker- International.

As an accomplished educator, curriculum developer, and mentor since 1999, Christiana Frank possesses a deep-rooted passion for guiding teams and individuals towards heightened mindfulness, capacity, and intentionality. She boasts an impressive portfolio of certifications spanning various fields, including but not limited to mindfulness and trauma-informed approaches, Applied Improvisation, and HeartMath.

In addition to her expertise, Christiana offers a wide range of services tailored to meet her clients’ needs. These include leadership coaching, organizational consulting, bespoke leadership training, mentoring, and development services. She is deeply committed to integrating her profound knowledge within her clients’ existing methodologies and frameworks, fostering more robust, healthier systems that consistently yield desired outcomes.

Interested parties are invited to reach out for a complimentary consultation or to engage Christiana and her dedicated team. To get started, please email .

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