Provider for Licensure Renewal Hours. (CEU)

Tag: Improv benefits

Christiana Frank

Living True: Walking the Talk

In a world where words often outweigh action, the importance of “walking the talk” becomes increasingly apparent. Many ideas are shared without accompanying actions, leaving a gap between intention and impact.

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Christiana Frank

Empowering Whole-Child Education

At Christiana Frank Consulting (CFC), we are dedicated to transforming educational environments through holistic, whole-child approaches that integrate social health into academics, and community engagement.

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a group of people standing around in a room
Christiana Frank

Unleashing Potential: The Critical Importance of Leadership Development

In the dynamic world of business, effective leadership is pivotal. Leadership development transcends being a mere option; it’s an imperative. This blog post delves into why nurturing leadership skills is vital for organizational growth and success, and how Christiana Frank and her team offer unique, evidence-based approaches to mastering these skills.

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a hand holding a small plant with green leaves
Christiana Frank

Applied Improvisation to build a Growth Mindset

Applied Improvisation is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for personal and organizational development. Improvisation is often associated with theater and comedy, but its principles and practices can be applied in a variety of non-theatrical settings, such as business, education, healthcare, and community development.

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a group of people holding their hands together
Christiana Frank

Applied Improvisation: A Tool for Personal and Organizational Growth

Applied Improvisation is a technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for personal and organizational development. Improvisation is often associated with theater and comedy, but its principles and practices can be applied in a variety of non-theatrical settings, such as business, education, healthcare, and community development.

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